This sheet of 50 stamps were issued on 24th July, 1992 by the United States of America. This is a pane of 50 different stamps on Wildflowers. This is a beautiful sheet of flowers still intact in its original packaging with the 64-page Wildflowers Album, where all the relevent information is given on the subject.
This pane of 50 stamps is the 4th plate position during printing and is plate no. 1111.
2647 - Indian Paintbrush -
2648 - Fragrant Waterlily -
Nymphaea odorata
2649 - Meadow beauty -
2650 - Jack-in-the-pulpit -
Arisaema triphyllum
2651 - California poppy -
Eschscholzia californica
2652 - Large-flowered Trillium -
Trillium grandiflorum
2653 - Tickseed -
Coreopsis2654 - Shooting star -
2655 - Stream violet -
Viola glabella
2656 - Bluets -
2657 - Herb Robert -
Geranium robertianum
2658 - Marsh marigold -
Caltha palustris
2659 - Sweet white violet -
Viola blanda
2660 - Claret cup cactus -
2661 - White mountain avens -
Dryas octopetala
2662 - Sessile bellwort -
Uvularia sessilifolia
2663 - Blue flag -
Iris versicolor
2664 - Harlequin lupine -
Lupinus stiversii
2665 - Twinflower -
Linnaea borealis
2666 - Common sunflower -
Helianthus annuus
2667 - Sego lily -
Calochortus nuttallii
2668 - Virginia bluebells -
Mertensia virginica
2669 - Ohi’a lehua -
Metrosideros polymorpha
2670 - Rosebud orchid -
2671 - Showy evening primrose -
Oenothera speciosa
2672 - Fringed gentian -
Gentiana crinita
2673 - Yellow lady’s slipper -
Cypripedium pubescens
2674 - Passionflower -
2675 - Bunchberry -
Cornus suecica
2676 - Pasqueflower -
2677 - Round-lobed hepatica -
2678 - Wild columbine -
Aquilegia canadensis
2679 - Fireweed -
Epilobium angustifolium
2680 - Indian pond lily -
Nuphar polysepala
2681 - Turk’s cap lily -
Lilium superbum
2682 - Dutchman’s breeches -
Dicentra cucullaria
2683 - Trumpet honeysuckle -
Lonicera ciliosa
2684 - Jacob’s ladder -
2685 - Plains prickly pear -
Opuntia polyacantha
2686 - Moss campion -
Silene acaulis
2687 - Bearberry -
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
2688 - Mexican hat -
2689 - Harebell -
Campanula rotundifolia
2690 - Desert five spot -
Eremalche rotundifolia
2691 - Smooth Solomon’s seal -
Polygonatum biflorum
2692 - Red maids -
2693 - Yellow skunk cabbage -
Lysichiton americanus
2694 - Rue anemone -
Thalictrum thalictroides
2695 - Standing cypress -
Ipomopsis rubra
2696 - Wild flax -
Linum perenne
2696a - Pane of 50 Stamps